General Advice & Industry Surveys


Hotel Development Pipeline Report

TAA National Submissions

Independent Review of the Commercial Building Disclosure Program (CBD)

The Independent Review of the Commercial Building Disclosure Program is looking at the expansion of a program designed to improve energy efficiency through NABRS accreditation for commercial buildings is proposed to be expanded to include hotels.

TAA has made submissions strongly opposing the expansion stating that the application of this program is appropriate for hotels and would introduce an expensive cost impost on hotels without sufficient evidence of failure amongst hotels.

TAA Feedback to Preliminary Findings (563 k)

Beyond Tourism 2020 Steering Committee’s report
TAA made a submission to the Beyond Tourism 2020 Steering Committee’s report.
Tourism Accommodation Australia Submission (214 k)

Joint Standing Committee on Trade and Investment Growth Inquiry into Austrade’s role in attracting investment in Australia
TAA made a submission calling for better use of existing Austrade resources (such as the Tourism Major Project Facilitation service), extending the partnership with Tourism Australia to States and Territories, the establishment of a nation brand, continued representation at hotel investment conferences overseas and presenting market-ready proposals.
Submission to the inquiry into Austrade’s role in attracting investment to Australia (364 k)

Sharing economy – Black Economy Taskforce
Treasury has released a consultation paper that forms a response to the Black Economy Taskforce recommendation to create a sharing economy reporting regime. TAA’s submission covers existing arrangements regarding tax (income, capital gains, payroll), best practices overseas, what a reporting regime should look like and how to raise awareness about reporting requirements.
For more information on the consultation paper please click here

TAA Pre-Budget Submission
TAA’s provided a comprehensive submission called for appropriate funding for Tourism Australia, an expansion of the national business events bid fund, improvements to Australia’s WHM program, benchmarking visitor visas (costs, processing times), the establishment of a separate funding source for airports and the adequate funding of infrastructure projects. The submission covered many other topics including short-term unregulated accommodation, Building Better Regions fund, investment in regional areas, the SAF levy, skills shortages and support for apprenticeships and traineeships.
2019-20 Pre-Budget submission (414 k)

VET Sector Review
TAA’s submission called for: lowering the cost of the SAF levy; better engagement of industry and schools by government; improvements to the accessibility of VET loans for our sector; and better incentives to attract more Australians to pursue VET pathways into our sector.
VET Review submission (401 k)

The effectiveness of the current temporary skilled visa system in targeting genuine skills shortages
TAA’s submission called for better access to skilled migrants, a lowering of the salary threshold of the Global Talent Scheme, recognition of the importance of intra-corporate transfers and better engagement between Government and industry to determine workforce shortages. The submission also discussed the need for more flexible labour market testing, improvements to the WHM scheme (processing times, fees) and better opportunities for international students for post-grad work/migration.
Submission into the Effectiveness of Temporary Skilled Migration (627 k)

Senate Inquiry into the Effectiveness of the Temporary Skilled Visa System
TAA National was represented at the inquiry. Please click above to access the Hansard.
Senate Inquiry (570 k)

National Security Guidelines

AHA(WA) corporate partners

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