Appropriate Workplace Behaviours


Sexual harassment, bullying and discrimination are increasingly important issues in all workplaces. It is critical that managers and workers understand their rights and obligations in relation to sexual harassment, bullying and discrimination. Failure to do so significantly increases the risk of liability and brand damage.

This interactive session is tailored to the hospitality industry and will provide practical examples to assist in guiding management through potentially delicate or problematic situations. This course represents an investment in management personnel which will help them reduce risks and navigate ‘gray’ areas such as work-related events, the use of social media as well as inappropriate behaviour by patrons.

You will learn in this seminar:

  • What constitutes inappropriate workplace behaviours
  • How sexual harassment, discrimination, bullying and other inappropriate workplace behaviours are defined
  • Identifying the ‘line’ in relation to the ambiguous areas, such as work events and social media
  • Personal and vicarious liability for inappropriate workplace behaviours
  • How grievances can be raised
  • Managers’ responsibilities
  • The practical steps managers or supervisors should take when they become aware of issues


WHERE: 38 Parliament Place, West Perth WA 6005

For any further enquiries contact: AHAWA on (08) 9321 7701 Email:

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Official Registered Training Organisation (RTO) (RTO) Number 4748
The AHA WA is approved by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA)

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CRICOS information for Student VISA holders

The WA Hotels & Hospitality Association (WAHHA) is not registered with CRICOS and therefore cannot deliver training to people who hold an overseas student/study visa (Subclass 500). Please visit to locate a CRICOS training provider.  WAHHA does not accept any liability which results from an inaccurate answer to this question. 

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